Terms and Conditions


The following details set out our obligations and rights regarding your holiday contract with Corrèze Cycling and you should please take care to read them carefully. The person making the booking (‘Party Leader’) has the responsibility to meet the terms and conditions and therefore is responsible for all other members of their party.

The pandemic has been an extremely difficult period for us all and there is still some uncertainty going forward into next year. Thankfully we have been able to turn our business to domestic B&B and a small number of UK cyclists allowing us to successfully implement and perfect our special COVID-19 procedures.

We hope that the high level of vaccination and the evolution of the virus will lead to increased travel, so we have developed new terms and conditions that reflect the ever-changing nature of the current COVID-19 pandemic.

1) Reservations

To reserve a holiday with us you will have to complete a booking form and pay a deposit of 200€ per person.

Balance payments for holidays will be due 4 weeks before the date you are due to arrive. We reserve the right to revert to our normal payment T&Cs at any time.

2) Booking and payments

a) Bookings are made via the booking form, which will be sent to the Party Leader by email, along with a word document version of our terms and conditions.
b) The completed booking form signed by the Party Leader should be sent to us either by post or as an pdf of the scanned forms. In signing the form the Party Leader confirms that they have read and fully understood te Terms and Conditions as they apply to their booking.
c) All our holidays are priced in Euros. Payments may be made by credit card. Alternatively you can pay in Euros into our French bank account – details of which are on the booking form. Any fee that the receiving bank may charge on receipt of the party’s payment will be charged to the Party Leader.
d) Once the booking form has been received, we will send the Party Leader a booking confirmation. The Party Leader must check that all the details are correct and notify us of any amendments or errors immediately, as it may not be possible to make changes later.
e) Provisional bookings will be held for 7 days.
f) We reserve the right to increase or decrease the prices of unsold arrangements at any time before your booking is confirmed. You will be given the correct current price of your chosen arrangements at the time of booking
g) Credit card details are kept securely (and non-electronically) and destroyed by shredding and composting once the balance of the holiday is paid.

If you have already booked a holiday with us and paid a deposit in 2019/2020 but were unable to travel you will be able to carry over your deposit to another date with no extra charge.  As per French law, we will effectively give you a certificate for the value of your deposit to be used against a future booking. This will be valid for 18 months from the date of your original holiday. If after this time you have not been able to book another holiday with us due to Covid 19 restrictions, you will be entitled to a refund(see below). This special Covid 19 law has been put in place by the French Government to protect hoteliers like ourselves and will temporarily over-ride our existing policy of no refund of deposits on cancellations, which would be unfair to apply in these special circumstances. For those clients who have already re-scheduled their holidays they will not be eligible to reclaim their deposits for reasons other than Covid 19 restrictions.

3) Cancellation and changes

The following terms vary clauses 3a and 3b of our Booking Terms and Conditions. Where there is a conflict between the terms below and our Standard Booking Terms and Conditions, the standard terms will prevail.
We are pleased to offer refunds where you elect to cancel your booking in accordance with the terms of this Policy, in the following situations preventing you from travel, as set out below:

i) Where the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (or the equivalent government body of your country of origin) impose restrictions on travel (including non-essential travel) to your destination due to Covid; or
ii) Correze Cycling has been forced to close due to restrictions imposed by French government or the local authority; or
iii) The French Government has closed the borders to international travellers due to Covid

in the event of the above circumstances, you can elect to receive a refund or alternatively deposits/ full payments will be transferrable to another holiday at a later date

All cancellations must be notified to us in writing by email to [email protected] The right to cancel in the above circumstances will not arise until 14 days before your scheduled arrival date (and only applies if the relevant restrictions are still in place at the time of cancellation). We will offer a full refund if you cancel between 14 and 7 days before your scheduled arrival date, due to circumstances (i), (ii) or (iii) above.
If you cancel within 7 days before your scheduled arrival date due to the circumstances (i), (ii) or (iii) above, we will offer a 90% refund due to costs we have already incurred at this point.

You will not be entitled to a refund in the following circumstances:
i) Unwillingness to travel. In these circumstances, we will treat this as cancellation by you and you the cancellation charges in clause 3a of our standard Booking Terms and Conditions shall apply.
ii) If, prior to your departure date, the government of your country of origin impose requirements upon your return from France. Such requirements may include but are not limited to the need to produce a negative COVID-19 test before leaving France, the need to take one or more tests on your return to your country of origin and/or an obligation to quarantine or self-isolate for a number of days. In these circumstances, we will treat this as cancellation by you and you the cancellation charges in clause 3a of our Booking Terms and Conditions shall apply.
iii) If the French government impose mandatory quarantine requirements for all arrivals into France. In these circumstances, we shall offer you the choice of a holiday credit* to use for a future booking with us, or the option of transferring your booking to the following year.
d) If the French government impose ‘health entry requirements’ such as but not limited to the need to produce a negative COVID-19 test, a COVID-19 vaccination certificate and/or COVID-19 recovery certificate’ before you are allowed to enter France and where you are either unable or unwilling to comply with those requirements. Alternatively, where entry would be permitted to France, despite being unable to produce such documentation, but subject to other restrictions such as an obligation to quarantine. In all of these circumstances, we will treat this as cancellation by you and the cancellation charges in clause 3a of our Booking Terms and Conditions shall apply.
If you choose or are otherwise offered a holiday credit upon cancellation of your booking, the following terms shall apply:
i. The amount will equal the value of your original booking;
ii. It will be valid for redemption for a period of 2 years from the date of issue;
iii. It cannot be resold, transferred for value or exchanged for cash;
iv. The person who is named on the voucher must redeem it, this will be the party leader.
v. Where the holiday credit is used to make a new booking that is then subsequently cancelled for whatever reason, any refund due to you will be in the form of a holiday credit up to the value of the initial holiday credit.
This Policy applies to all bookings that were made and confirmed in accordance with the Booking Terms and Conditions whilst this Policy was in place. However, we reserve the right to withdraw or amend this Policy at any time before such a booking has been confirmed.
a) A cancellation must be made in writing – an adobe PDF of a signed scanned letter can be emailed to us by the Party Leader. Refunds will be calculated as follows:
i) 10 or more weeks notice – loss of deposit
ii) 4 to 10 weeks notice – 50% refund
iii) 2 to 4 weeks notice – 25% refund
iv) less than 2 weeks notice – 0% refund
b) If a booking is cancelled by us we will notify the Party Leader and offer a full refund or try and arrange other suitable dates. There will be no liability on Corrèze Cycling for the cancellation other than the repayment of monies received.
c) Occasionally we may have to make changes to the holiday on offer or correct errors in details both before and after bookings have been confirmed. We will always try to avoid this; however we reserve the right to do so.
e) Changes by you – in this event the Party Leader must notify us in writing as soon as possible. Whilst we will try and help we cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet your requests. An amendment fee of 30 euros may be payable.
d) We endeavour to keep the web site as up to date and accurate as possible, however errors may occasionally occur, so please check all details with us at the time of booking.

4 Insurance
All persons booking a holiday are required to have insurance in order to cover the cost of cancellation by you and the cost of assistance and repatriation in the event of accident or illness. The insurance must provide cover for cycling. If you do not take out an insurance policy, Corrèze Cycling will not be responsible for any matters arising as a result. The Party leader will be responsible for reimbursing us for such sums we meet on the behalf of the person or persons involved. The Party Leader must provide details of the Insurance policy(ies) for all members of the party (insurer and policy number) on or before the final payment date. We strongly advise that all members of the party carry European Health Insurance Cards (EHIC), if they are resident in the European Union.

5) Liability

Corrèze Cycling cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage to your personal property, luggage or other possessions, nor for any other loss, damage, inconvenience, delay, illness, fatal or other injury suffered by you as a result of making a booking with us, unless it can be shown that the company is in breach of its contractual and legal duty.

6) Complaints

In the unlikely event of any complaint, the client or Party Leader must immediately take it up with Corrèze Cycling. We cannot address any complaints made if we are unaware of them. If the complaint or problem is not resolved please contact us with full details by phone, fax or email within 48 hours of the matter arising.

7) Smoking

Our accommodation is non-smoking. Smoking outside the accommodation is acceptable, using the ash trays provided. Please do not litter the exterior with cigarette butts and ash. We also ask that guests who ‘Vape’ please do so outside on the terrace and not inside. Whilst these machines do not generate smoke, we have found that they can leave an unpleasant odour which is difficult to remove.

8) Swimming Pool & Sauna

Guests use the swimming pool and sauna at their own risk. The pool alarm system complies with French Law. No glassware should be taken to the pool terrace – we provide acrylic glasses for the safety of our guests.

9) Physical Health

We accept your bookings on the understanding that all members of the Party are normally in god health and able to participate in this physical demands of a cycling holiday. Clients taking part in a Corrèze Cycling holiday do so at their own risk, and if there is any doubt about their fitness or ability they should consult their physician.

10) Your responsibilities

We expect that our clients will have consideration for other people. If in our reasonable opinion, a member of your party behaves in such a way as to cause upset, distress or danger to any third party or damage to property, we reserve the right, without prior notice to terminate the holiday of the person(s) concerned. In such a situation, the person(s) will be required to leave the property. Corrèze Cycling will have no further responsibility to the person(s) including any return travel arrangements. No refunds will be made and we will not be liable for any for any expenses incurred as a result of the termination.

11) Hygiene and Social Distancing during your stay

We have put in place improved sanitary procedures for our guests.

There will be a hand cleaning station at the entrance where Hand gel will be provided. All guests will be expected to clean their hands when they enter or leave the building.

A ‘Passe Sanitaire’ (proof of vaccination) is at present mandatory for all guests. The passe sanitaire takes the form of a QR code, which is presented for scanning when the guest arrives.

Social distancing will be always respected

The breakfast room will be organised to allow as much distance between guests as possible. Staggered dining times may be implemented at busy periods. Where multiple rooms are occupied by different parties, we may have to serve breakfasts in your room to help maintain sufficient social distance

Bed linen will be laundered at 60 degrees. Towels will not be removed from your rooms to be dried every day as before. A change of towels will be available if needed.

Rooms and public areas will be thoroughly cleaned with disinfectant products which meet government guidelines.

Public areas with high traffic usage will be cleaned at least 3 times a day, especially touch points such as door handles and frames and the backs of chairs

Group cycling. You will be asked to respect social distancing at lunch and coffee stops etc. Trips out to other cycling destinations using our crew van may not be possible.

We ask that you respect social distancing even around the pool and gardens. There is plenty of space to spread out!

12) Trading Name

Corrèze Cycling is the trading name of the business registered in France, Siret number 521 009 233, in the name of J W Parry. TVA registration number: FR72521009233.